List of Policies

Support for Students Policy


This policy provides a framework for all Leaders Institute (LI) policies related to notification, identification, and provision of support for students to successfully progress and complete their respective courses.


Whole Institute


To support students during their learning journey, LI ensures that:

  • students are provided with an inclusive, safe, and supportive learning environment;
  • courses are designed to build independent learning capacity and agency, increasing the likelihood of student engagement, participation, progress, and completion;
  • available support services are widely communicated to all students;
  • all staff respond promptly and sensitively to student requests for support, with some staff responsible for providing specific support;
  • all staff are responsible for proactively identifying and assisting students at risk of failure;
  • support services are offered in an equitable and fair manner to all students, regardless of individual circumstances;
  • intervention processes are equitable, consistent, and completed in a timely and respectful manner;
  • students understand that they are ultimately responsible for seeking required study support;
  • appropriate intervention strategies are implemented to assist students to progress;
  • student support services are included in LI’s cycle of continuous review and improvement, including responding to Quality Indicators of Learning and Teaching (QILT) data.


LI ensures that strategies and processes are in place to identify students needing additional support and to assist students to successfully complete their studies. These include but are not limited to:


LI students are expected to:

  • consider carefully their choice of course and units (Change to Course or Unit Enrolment Policy);
  • have an awareness of student conduct issues (Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech Policy; Academic Integrity Policy; Code of Conduct Policy);
  • seek relevant support/professional assistance where a physical, mental health, or other issue is having or is likely to have an impact upon their academic progress (Diversity and Equity Policy);
  • seek and follow advice from Student Support Officers and other LI staff;
  • fulfil academic requirements, including course application, unit enrolment, and any other requirements by the relevant due date(s);
  • achieve the minimum progression requirements (Progression and Exclusion Policy);
  • make contact as soon as possible with relevant LI staff regarding any formal notification of lack of progress or wellbeing concern.



Students are notified of LI’s student services and support through:

  • academic and administrative staff advice and consultation;
  • email communications;
  • Leaders Institute Student Association (LISA);
  • Orientation on campus and online;
  • Student Handbook;
  • Student Portal on the Learning Management System;
  • Student Support Officers;
  • Unit Profiles for each unit on the Learning Management System.

On the LI website, the Study menu includes a phone number and email address for LI’s primary support contact for students and prospective students. The ‘Student Life’ section provides information regarding ‘International Students’, ‘Accommodation and Living’, ‘Cost of Living’, ‘Campus Guides’, ‘Other Useful Information’, ‘Legal Services’, ‘Career Support’, ‘Complaints, Grievances, and Appeals’, and ‘Diversity and Equity’. It also includes information regarding ‘Student Support’, ‘Orientation’, ‘Events’, ‘Health, Wellbeing, and Safety’, ‘RESPECT.NOW.ALWAYS’, ‘Australian Emergency and External Services’, ‘Online Safety’, and ‘Library Services’. Each section opens to more information. For example, the ‘Student Support’ section includes information regarding ‘Study Skills’, ‘Student Portal’, and ‘Student Support Services’.


Various reports and process identify and support students deemed at risk of not progressing in their respective courses. These include:

  • Academic Misconduct Register;
  • Annual Course Reports;
  • critical incident management reports;
  • internal monitoring of grades;
  • Learning Management System engagement reports prior to census date;
  • Lecturer Reports at the end of semester;
  • retention, attrition, progression, and completion data tabled to LI’s governance bodies;
  • Student Feedback Surveys at the end of semester in the Learning Management System;
  • student complaints, grievances, and appeals;
  • self-identifying students can access services via the Learning Management System. Confidential records of support services provided to students are maintained in the Student Management System by the Registrar in consultation with staff and other stakeholders;
  • ungraded formative assessment identifies students in need of targeted intervention;
  • Unit Coordinator or lecturer referral.

The Progression and Exclusion Policy details Academic Progress Review processes for students at risk of unsatisfactory progress.


Student performance data identifies non-engaged or ‘at risk’ students, through the appropriate support services:

  • through monitoring and review of class attendance and Learning Management System engagement reports, lecturers can provide early intervention strategies. The lecturer meets with the identified student to discuss factors contributing to low attendance and/or engagement with unit content. An intervention plan to improve student attendance and engagement with learning, agreed to by the student and lecturer, is implemented and monitored by the lecturer. An escalated response may be actioned as appropriate;
  • the Academic Misconduct Register identifies students at risk of failing to progress. An educative approach is taken with students in their first semester of study. However, detection of breaches prompts an appropriate response as detailed in the Academic Integrity Policy;
  • the Progression and Exclusion Policy details how internal monitoring of grades identifies students at risk and support services for identified students. Intervention processes are overseen by the relevant specialist staff.