List of Policies

Academic Board Terms of Reference Policy


This policy outlines the terms of reference for Leaders Institute (LI) Academic Board and its subcommittees.


All staff and students


Academic Board is the principal academic governing body of LI. Academic Board may delegate any of its powers or functions to subcommittees or advisory boards. The Chairs of each subcommittee are appointed by Academic Board on an annual basis.

A quorum shall constitute 50% of members.

Members are expected to attend (on campus or online) most of the scheduled meetings.

Guest Attendance
Guest staff or external experts may be invited to attend meetings to provide advice upon request. Guests to meetings have no voting rights at meetings.

Frequency of Meetings
Academic Board and its subcommittees usually meet at least four times per year.

Minutes of Meetings
Minutes are stored in a secure electronic repository. All members receive a digital copy of minutes.

The relevant Chair appoints a secretary.

Member Induction and Training
Academic Board members maintain currency in skills, knowledge, and commitment to the objects of the Institute. The Chair of Academic Board ensures induction and training of new members, as well as professional development and training of members.

Self-Evaluation and External Moderation
Academic Board periodically conducts self-evaluations, highlighting elements of concern and recommendations for improvement. Governing Board also periodically commissions an external moderation of Academic Board to ensure appropriate, effective, and innovative operations.


Appointment of Chair

The Chair is elected by Governing Board and is an ex officio member of Governing Board. The Chair shall serve for three years in the first instance and be eligible for reappointment based on performance. The role of Academic Board Chair will be external.


The membership of Academic Board includes:

Ex officio members

  • President;
  • Vice President Academic;
  • Program Directors;
  • Chairs of each subcommittee of Academic Board.

Appointed/Elected Members

  • external Chair
  • one or more academic staff representatives;
  • two or more external members with relevant discipline expertise;
  • one student-elected student representative.

Terms of Office

Non ex officio members of Academic Board shall serve for three years in the first instance and be eligible for reappointment based on performance. For ex officio members, the term will be for the duration of their employment in those positions. External members will be appointed by Academic Board for a term of three years and be eligible for reappointment based on performance. The student representative is appointed for a term of one year, with the option for re-appointment.

Deputy Chair

The Chair may appoint a Deputy Chair.

Frequency of Meetings

Academic Board meets at least four times per year.

Terms of reference

The functions of Academic Board are to:

  • report to Governing Board on all issues and policy matters affecting academic activities, quality assurance processes, and resources;
  • develop and apply for accreditation of new courses approved for development by Governing Board;
  • approve course reviews and applications for course reaccreditations;
  • make recommendations to Governing Board for degree conferral for those students who have satisfied their course requirements;
  • appoint and monitor subcommittees of Academic Board;
  • sustain the professional development, research, scholarship, and expertise of academic staff;
  • develop, implement, and review academic policies, initiatives, and related academic requirements;
  • oversee the development of library and teaching resources;
  • oversee the safety and wellbeing of students;
  • ensure academic policies and processes are acceptable to stakeholders and accrediting bodies.

Reporting to Governing Board

The Chair of Academic Board tables a report to Governing Board regarding major decisions and outcomes from Academic Board meetings held since the previous Governing Board meeting.

Academic Board Subcommittees
Academic Board may delegate any of its functions to subcommittees. The Chairs and members of each subcommittee are appointed by Academic Board annually. The Chairs table reports at each Academic Board meeting. The Academic Board subcommittees are:

Development Committee

Development Committee membership includes relevant LI academic and executive staff. The role of Development Committee is to carry out the work of Academic Board in the following areas:

  • monitor changes and developments in higher education and in government educational policy;
  • oversee development and applications to accrediting bodies of new courses;
  • oversee course reviews and applications to accrediting bodies for course reaccreditations;
  • advise Academic Board about the establishment, revision, discontinuation, and disestablishment of courses;
  • review new and revised unit outlines;
  • supervise and coordinate Material Change Notifications to accrediting bodies;
  • appoint a Course Advisory Committee as required;
  • other responsibilities related to government or professional accreditation or registration as required.

Frequency of Meetings

Development Committee meets at least four times per year.

Examiners Committee

Examiners Committee (EC) membership includes Program Directors, relevant academic staff, and administrative assistant. The role of EC is to:

  • Oversee the internal monitoring of grades at the end of each semester, as soon as practicable after the conclusion of the examination period;
  • Review academic results and interim grades submitted by Program Directors for all units across all delivery sites and modes;
  • Consider results and interim grades with respect to indicators of academic quality and integrity;
  • Recommend amendments to interim grades;
  • Recommend the setting of supplementary assessment in special cases;
  • Endorse academic results and grades as final;
  • Report matters regarding internal monitoring, student engagement, attrition, retention, progression, and intervention to Academic Board that may impact on quality assurance.

EC may recommend the setting of supplementary assessment but does not determine the type of supplementary assessment, as this is a matter for unit and program management.

Frequency of Meetings

EC meets at least three times per year.

Learning and Teaching Committee

Learning and Teaching Committee (LTC) membership includes relevant LI academic staff, at least one external academic expert in the field and one student representative. The role of LTC is to:

  • Ensure that learning and teaching practices are of a high quality;
  • Ensure regular monitoring and reporting to Academic Board on the implementation and effectiveness of teaching and learning practices including work integrated learning opportunities;
  • Ensure that course and unit learning outcomes are achieved;
  • Provide advice to Academic Board on measures designed to improve the quality and effectiveness of learning and teaching, including online delivery;
  • Advise Academic Board on the outcomes of LI teaching practices including student participation, retention, progression and satisfaction;
  • Oversee external moderation of grades;
  • Other matters as referred by Academic Board concerning program quality, academic integrity and misconduct and related issues.

LTC may appoint ad hoc specialist subcommittees as required.

Frequency of Meetings

LTC meets at least four times per year.

Research and Scholarship Committee

Research and Scholarship Committee (RSC) membership includes at least two research active academic staff and at least one external academic expert in a relevant field. The role of RSC is to:

  • foster a research culture at the Institute;
  • build capacity for research collaboration and inter-institutional research;
  • support research active academic staff research students to produce high quality published research;
  • ensure appropriate Higher Degree Research (HDR) supervision training and resources;
  • oversee professional development and foster scholarship activities of academic staff;
  • ensure currency of Academic Staff Register;
  • measure and report to Academic Board on research and scholarship output;
  • other matters as referred by Academic Board concerning research and scholarship related issues.

RSC may appoint ad hoc specialist subcommittees as required.

Frequency of Meetings

RSC meets at least four times per year.

Higher Degree Research Examination Committee

Higher Degree Research Examination Committee (HDRED) is an ad hoc committee of RSC and the Chair is appointed by RSC. Other members include at least one senior LI academic staff member and one research active academic staff member with expertise in the field. HDRED is convened, if required, as outlined in the Higher Degree Research Examination Policy.


  • Academic staff members of Academic Board are nominated by the Chair of Academic Board, in consultation with the Vice President Academic, and the nominees submitted to Academic Board for approval and appointment;
  • External members of Academic Board are appointed as the need arises, such as when a current external member’s term expires. Chair of Academic Board will invite suggestions from the members and approach relevant candidates with the offer to serve on Academic Board;
  • The student representative to Academic Board is elected by the students. The student representative must be enrolled in a current LI course, be able to represent the general needs of students without promoting personal agenda or bias and agree to confidentiality relating to Academic Board discussions and decisions.

External Review
Every five years, LI will commission an independent review of Academic Board by an external expert to provide recommendations for improvement to ensure appropriate, effective, and innovative operations in LI academic governance. Recommendations arising from the review will be discussed at Academic Board and agreed actions will be implemented.

Fact Box


Chair, Academic Board



  • Select Category
  • Approval Body

    Governing Board

    Endorsement Body

    Governing Board

    Approval Date

    24 March 2022

    Review Date

    24 March 2027



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    Governance Framework Policy
    Governing Board Terms of Reference Policy