List of Policies

Health, Safety, and Wellbeing Policy


The policy outlines the approach and processes of Leaders Institute (LI) to ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of the LI community.


Whole Institute


To ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of the LI community, LI is responsible for providing:

  • safe work and study equipment, services and facilities;
  • delivery sites close to public transport and monitored by CCTV;
  • onsite classes that are delivered weekdays between 8am to 8pm only.
  • information, instruction, training, and supervision to the LI community regarding their health, safety, and wellbeing;
  • support services and information networks that promote positive mental health across the LI community;
  • systems that ensure the identification and control of workplace hazards;
  • adequate and ongoing resources to ensure services, facilities, and equipment comply with legal requirements and take into consideration the health, safety, and wellbeing of the LI community;
  • encouragement for staff and students to adopt healthy lifestyle choices;
  • support for those whose physical health and/or mental health has been affected by the study and/or work environment;
  • regular monitoring, reviewing, and improving of systems and resources that support health, safety, and wellbeing;
  • providing on site a qualified First Aid Officer and equipment for the urgent treatment of any illnesses and injuries;
  • emergency procedures and drills;
  • provision of work health reporting and recording of incidents, accidents, injuries, and illnesses.


Health: both physical and psychological health.

Hazard: a situation that has the potential to cause injury or illness, harm to health and/or danger to property or the environment.

Mental Health: state of wellbeing in which every person realises their own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work and/or study productively, and can contribute to the surrounding community.

Workplace: any location where LI activities of staff and students occur and includes field locations, overseas travel locations, work placements, and all external spaces.

LI Community: all staff, contractors, students, and visitors to LI premises.

Staff, students, contractors, and visitors are responsible for:

  • adhering to all LI’s policies and procedures;
  • reporting all accidents, hazards, or incidents to the Administration Manager;
  • complying with lawful instructions;
  • behaving in an appropriate manner, in accordance with the Code of Conduct Policy;
  • taking all practicable steps to always ensure their own safety.

Smoking, vaping, drinking alcohol, or using illicit drugs are strictly forbidden on LI premises. If breached, disciplinary action may be taken.

Preventative Measures

LI ensures the following preventative measures are in place:

  • LI premises have fire protection measures including fire alarms, smoke detectors, sprinkler system, fire extinguishers, and building construction and floor plans to assist with evacuation;
  • all staff and students participate in fire drills;
  • regular inspection of fire extinguishers and smoke detectors;
  • emergency electrician’s contact details are available from reception;
  • any water leakage is reported to reception;
  • buildings are alarmed outside operating hours;
  • offices and facilities are kept locked outside operating hours;
  • all confidential information is physically or electronically secure;
  • emergency contact details are posted in staff and student areas;
  • all LI premises are alarmed outside operating hours and fitted with CCTV;
  • regular staff training is undertaken regarding safety and security;
  • emergency contact details for security staff and emergency services are posted in staff and student areas.


  • system back up;
  • scanning of vital hardcopy documents;
  • offsite document storage;
  • system security including: firewalls, password protection;
  • lockable storage areas and filing cabinets;
  • use of quality databases.


All staff, students, contractors, and visitors are responsible for reporting workplace illnesses and injuries to their supervisor within 48 hours. LI ensures the following on all delivery sites:

  • adherence to legislative requirements;
  • accessible and appropriate first aid equipment;
  • trained first aid personnel, information, and resources;
  • emergency procedures and equipment for high risk activities;
  • regular monitoring, review, and improvement of first aid compliance and incident reporting.

The First Aid Officer is responsible for:

  • keeping an inventory of each first aid kit and restocking every six months, as well as restocking any items used;
  • ensuring staff and student orientation, induction, and handbooks include the location of first aid equipment;
  • ensuring emergency floor plans include the location of the first aid kits and procedure for administering first aid;
  • ensuring that secondary first aid officers are available if required.

Persons in charge of field trips or internships are responsible for:

  • conducting a risk assessment to ensure appropriate first aid equipment is provided;
  • determining the need for and level of training for first aid personnel;
  • ensuring the First Aid Incident Report Form is completed if required.



Work health and safety procedures at LI include five steps:

  1. Identify: Observe what hazard could cause harm or endanger safety;
  2. Assess: Determine the risk level of the harm and the likelihood of occurrence;
  3. Control: Implement effective and practical risk control measures;
  4. Review: Ensure control measures are working as planned;
  5. Record: Document and store all management processes, including monitoring and improvement.

First Aid

In the event of illness or injury, the First Aid Officer or delegated officer will:

  • locate the first aid equipment and provide first aid, as required;
  • arrange prompt and appropriate referral to external medical professionals or emergency services (e.g. ambulance) where the needs assessment exceeds the First Aid Officer’s training, or in the event of loss of consciousness;
  • liaise as appropriate with external emergency services and provide information regarding the situation, assessed needs, and first aid administered;
  • if appropriate, accompany the ill/injured person to a hospital or medical centre until treatment is completed;
  • complete the Incident Report Form and submit to the Administration Manager.

Fact Box





  • Select Category
  • Approval Body

    Executive Management Team

    Endorsement Body

    Executive Management Team

    Approval Date

    6 April 2023

    Review Date

    6 April 2028



    Related Policies

    Code of Conduct Policy
    Delivery Site and Mode Policy
    Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Policy