List of Policies

Progression and Exclusion Policy


This policy sets out Leaders Institute’s (LI) requirements for students to maintain satisfactory academic progress and the processes to identify students who require additional academic support.


All students and prospective students


LI is committed to maintaining high academic standards by:

  • ensuring that lecturers monitor academic performance through formative assessments in each unit. This includes the requirement that students log into their enrolled unit page on the learning management system (Moodle™) and attend the scheduled classes, where relevant, prior to census date;
  • supporting students in achieving the LI Graduate Attributes for their relevant courses;
  • expecting students to maintain a satisfactory level of academic performance to be permitted to continue to progress through their chosen course. Satisfactory academic progress is deemed to be completing successfully at least 50% of the units in which a student is enrolled in any semester. Students who fail the same unit three times will be deemed to have not made satisfactory academic progress;
  • ensuring that students who do not maintain a satisfactory level of academic performance are identified and offered advice and support and may be required to show cause why they should be permitted to continue in their course;
  • informing students that unsatisfactory academic progress may have consequences, including conditional enrolment or a period of suspension or exclusion from a course:
    • during a period of suspension or exclusion, a student is not eligible to access resources or premises of LI.
    • the maximum period of suspension is one year.
    • the maximum period of exclusion is two years.
  • LI’s adherence to principles of due process when making decisions about academic progress, including providing students with clear, timely information about any unsatisfactory progress;
  • ensuring that student who is subject to conditional enrolment or a period of suspension or exclusion has the right to access the Complaints, Grievances, and Appeals Policy.


Academic Progress Intervention Agreement: a support plan designed for an ‘at risk’ student to progress successfully to course completion. The agreement is signed by the student and relevant Program Director.

Academic Progress Review: a compulsory meeting between an ‘at risk’ student and the relevant Program Director to develop an Academic Progress Intervention Agreement.

At Risk: an attribute of student performance that indicates a high likelihood that the student will not meet the requirements for satisfactory academic progress. At risk indicators include not meeting the 80% attendance record in scheduled classes, failing the ‘reasonable attempt’ standard with respect to one or more assessment items, and failing to engage with online learning resources.

Conditional Enrolment: Limits on enrolment that may be expressed in terms of the total number of units of enrolment permitted in a teaching period and/or a requirement that a minimum number of units be passed in a teaching period.

Exclusion: Withdrawing a student’s right to enrol in units for a specified period up to two years. At the conclusion of a period of exclusion, a student must apply to resume their enrolment. During a period of exclusion, the student is not eligible to access resources or premises of LI.

Satisfactory Academic Progress: an academic standard measured by achievement of passing grades in at least 50% of units in a teaching period for which a student is enrolled.

Show Cause: a statement by a student that responds to an LI invitation to explain their unsatisfactory progress and demonstrate why they should not be subject to a period of suspension or exclusion.

Suspension: withdrawing a student’s right to enrol in units for a specified period. At the conclusion of a period of suspension, a student has an automatic right to resume their enrolment. During a period of suspension, a student is not eligible to access resources or premises of LI.


Students who do not maintain satisfactory academic progress will be identified at Examiners Committee meeting at the end of each teaching period. Breaches of academic progress are classified as:

Level 1: A student fails one or more units but less than 50% of the total units in which they are enrolled in a semester, and it is their first breach. This will normally be addressed by providing additional academic support and placing one or more conditions on enrolment. Where a student does not attend a compulsory Academic Progress Review meeting a period of suspension may be imposed;

Level 2: A student fails 50% or more of the units in which they are enrolled in a semester and failed one unit or its equivalent for the second time or enrolled in a unit for the third time. This will normally be addressed by providing additional academic support and placing one or more conditions on enrolment or by imposing a period of suspension. Where a student does not attend a compulsory Academic Progress Review meeting a period of suspension may be imposed. Before a period of suspension is imposed the student will be given an opportunity to show cause;

Level 3: A student fails 50% or more of the units in their current semester as a stage 2 student or when they fail the same unit three times, or when a student does not meet the terms agreed to at a compulsory Academic Progress Review. This will normally be addressed by suspension or exclusion. Where a student does not attend a compulsory Academic Progress Review meeting a period of exclusion may be imposed. Before a period of suspension or exclusion is imposed the student will be given an opportunity to show cause.

Students have the right to appeal against a decision in relation to their academic progress by accessing the Complaints, Grievances, and Appeals Policy. An appeal must be lodged in writing within 10 working days of the original decision and must be accompanied by supporting documentation.


It is the student’s responsibility to understand and meet all the requirements of their course as stated in the Course Handbook. To be conferred with a degree, the student must complete all the requirements of the course within the prescribed timeframe to ensure that the qualification awarded reflects currency of knowledge and skill.



Academic performance monitoring is operationalised through non-graded formative assessments throughout the course. These assessments assure lecturers that students are appropriately engaged in the units and to gauge whether students are meeting appropriate academic standards. If an educator believes that a student is ‘at risk’ academically, they will immediately notify the Program Director.


Students identified by Examiners Committee as being ‘at risk’ are contacted, via email, by the relevant Program Director within five (5) working days of the official release of results. This will detail the breach and notify the student of a compulsory Academic Progress Review meeting. The purpose of the Academic Progress Review meeting is to:

  • ensure the student understands reasons for the breach;
  • develop a plan to improve academic progress;
  • advise the student of the possibility that conditions may be placed on their enrolment if they do not meet academic standards;
  • advise international students, where relevant, possible contravention of visa conditions if they do not meet academic standards;
  • provide specific consideration to First Nations Peoples students, where relevant, to support them to progress and complete their course.

The Program Director will record the Academic Progress Review meeting details on the Academic Progress Intervention Agreement which will be signed by both the student and Program Director and placed in the secure and confidential student’s file.

If a student does not fulfil the terms of their Academic Progress Intervention Agreement, they shall be followed up by the Program Coordinator within five (5) working days.

If the student does not attend the compulsory Academic Progress Review meeting and does not provide evidence of extenuating circumstances beyond their control prior to the meeting, a period of suspension or exclusion will be imposed as per the relevant paragraph in the guidelines above.

A student who repeatedly defaults on the terms of the Academic Intervention Agreement will be reported to Examiners Committee meeting at the end of the teaching period.


If a student continues to fail to meet minimum academic standards after an intervention strategy has been put into place, the Program Director will request that the student provide a written statement within 20 working days outlining reasons why they should be permitted to continue their enrolment in the course. A student who does not submit a written statement by the due date shall have their enrolment terminated.

The Program Director shall consider the written statement and may:

  1. terminate the student’s enrolment; or
  2. permit the student to continue with or without specific conditions.

The Program Director will provide a written statement to the student within 20 working days outlining their decision and informing the student of their right to appeal the decision.

A student who is permitted to continue their enrolment in the course, but with conditions imposed, who again fails to attain the minimum academic standards or breaches the conditions imposed, will have their enrolment terminated due to unsatisfactory academic progress.

Student Progression Flowchart:


International students are expected to complete their course in the standard number of weeks for a student undertaking a full-time load (the registered CRICOS course duration) less any time for credit or Recognition of Prior Learning granted by LI, as outlined in the Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy. This period is noted on the student’s Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE), Letter of Offer, and Student Agreement.

In developing an Academic Intervention Agreement, the Program Director may recommend to the student the need to extend the duration of their international student’s visa where it is clear the student will not complete the course within the expected duration, as specified on the student’s CoE, as the result of:

  1. Compassionate or compelling circumstances (e.g. illness where a medical certificate states that the student was unable to attend classes); and/or
  2. An intervention strategy being implemented for students who are at risk of or not meeting minimum academic standards.

Where an international student has failed to meet minimum standards, the Program Director may consider a reduction in their study load as part of an intervention strategy.

If an international student fails to meet the Academic Progress Intervention Agreement processes, the Program Director will advise the student in writing of the intention to report the student for not achieving satisfactory academic progress.

Where an international student is at risk of failing to meet their visa requirements, the Registrar will follow the procedures specified in the Changes to Course or Unit Enrolment Policy.

Fact Box





  • Select Category
  • Approval Body

    Academic Board

    Endorsement Body

    Academic Board

    Approval Date

    2 November 2023

    Review Date

    2 November 2028



    Related Policies

    Changes to a Course or Unit Policy
    Complaints, Grievances, and Appeals Policy
    Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy