This policy sets out the principles guiding Leaders Institute (LI) granting of credit and recognition of prior or concurrent learning that contributes towards satisfying the requirements for an LI course.
All courses
LI adheres to the following principles regarding granting credit for previous learning through articulation, credit transfer and/or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
- students granted RPL are not disadvantaged in achieving the course learning outcomes;
- the integrity of the course is maintained;
- RPL requires evidence that the student has achieved learning outcomes equivalent to the learning outcomes of that component;
- RPL may be granted for micro-credentials awarded by the Institute or other accredited institutions where the micro-credentials evidence achievement of clearly articulated learning outcomes and standards and the identity of the person receiving the micro-credential is verified. Any two Professional Practice Credentials achieved at an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) level will attract one unit of specified or unspecified credit at the same AQF level, where the course rules allow, up to a maximum of two credit points;
- unspecified credit on the basis of RPL cannot be granted towards compulsory components of a course;
- the maximum credit available is usually two thirds of the course;
- where a preclusion is approved and credit is not awarded, the student will be required to replace the precluded unit(s) with an equivalent number of credit points from elective units.
RPL is not granted:
- conditionally on a student meeting additional requirements;
- where credit has been granted towards an institute course and the award has been received;
- for formal learning assessed as a ‘fail’, ‘pass conceded’, or equivalent grade;
- for a unit that a student has already attempted and received a finalised grade;
- for formal learning undertaken while the student is excluded from a course at the Institute, except where such formal learning is undertaken with the prior approval of the Program Director (or delegated representative);
- for prior learning acquired more than 10 years before the RPL credit.
Advanced Standing: recognition of achieving a portion of the required knowledge, skills, and understanding of units in a course, expressed as an equivalent unit or number of credit points toward that course. Advanced standing credits are determined based equivalence of unit content and learning outcomes.
Cross Credit:
- specified credit is granted towards particular or specific components of a course;
- unspecified credit is granted towards elective components of a course;
- block credits are granted towards whole stages or components of a course, such as a semester or a year of full-time study in that course, rather than specific units. This may be applied to formal articulation agreements at the Institute has with other educational providers.
Credit Point: value of each unit of study that contributes towards the completion requirements for a course.
Credit for concurrent formal learning: granted for relevant concurrent learning which, on successful completion, will be credited towards an award of the Institute.
Exemption: type of specified credit where the student is waived the requirement to complete a core unit but is required to complete another unit of the same credit point value.
Professional Practice Credential: can be a micro-credential that warrants learning acquired through professional practice.
Formal learning: takes place through a structured program that leads to the full or partial achievement of an officially accredited qualification.
Learning: can include formal learning, learning through work or life experience and learning that takes place through a structured program but does do not lead to an officially accredited qualification.
Micro-credential: award that warrants achievement of clearly articulated learning outcomes that is not sufficient alone to lead to the award of an Australian Higher Education Qualification (AQF) or international qualification with equivalent learning outcomes.
Precedent: reference point for future credit decisions agreed by the Institute in consultation with Academic Board based on evidence that students are not disadvantaged in achieving course learning outcomes.
Preclusion: relates to the substitution of a core unit in a course by another approved unit where the student has already completed the requirements for the exempted unit elsewhere.
Recognition of Prior Learning: process used to assess an individual’s relevant prior learning (including formal, informal, and non-formal learning) to determine the credit that may be granted.
Specified credit: granted toward specific components in a course.
Unspecified credit: granted towards components of a course as block credit, rather than specific units.
Following are the procedures for advanced standing, cross credit or RPL:
- applicants who wish to apply for full academic credit or RPL must indicate this on the LI application form and provide certified evidence of completed qualifications along with other relevant documentation (e.g. unit outlines);
- applicants must substantiate completion of studies or work experience cognate to the unit(s) for which exemption is sought;
- decisions on the applications of advanced standing, credit transfer, and RPL are made by the Program Director or delegated representative. All decisions should be informed by careful professional judgment that is transparent and fair;
- credit is assessed based on at least 80% equivalence of content and learning outcomes between the previous learning and a LI unit;
- all applications must be submitted during the application process, and not postmatriculation;
- applicants must demonstrate completion of studies cognate to the unit(s) for which exemption is sought;
- where studies were taken at an international institution, AEI NOOSR Country Education Profiles checks are performed to correlate the course against the AQF;
- the applicant will be advised within 20 working days in writing of the results of their application for advanced standing, credit transfer, or RPL. The result will be formally recorded on the student’s file;
- if the duration of the course has been changed for an accepted international student because of the application decision, such as granting RPL, it must be reported in accordance with section 19 of the ESOS Act, and in accordance with Standard 2 of the National Code 2018 as follows:
- Inform the student of the reduced course duration following granting of RPL and ensure the confirmation of enrolment (CoE) is issued only for the reduced duration of the course;
- Report any change in course duration in PRISMS if RPL or course credit is granted after the overseas student’s visa is granted.
Once a decision has been determined by the Program Director (or delegated representative), the Registrar will record the result on the LI Credit Register as a precedent for future applications.
The Complaints, Grievances, and Appeals Policy should be followed if the unsuccessful application is to be disputed.