This policy outlines how Leaders Institute (LI) provides a supportive learning and teaching environment that is responsive to individual student needs with a strong emphasis regarding student engagement for all students, regardless of delivery site or mode.
All staff and students
To foster an environment where students feel supported to achieve course progression, LI ensures that:
- various facilities, resources, and services are available to provide learning support including English language support, pathway programs, and academic support during their course;
- academic staff are responsive to student needs particularly for online learning;
- assistance is available for technologically challenged students and those not previously familiar with digital learning and generative artificial intelligence tools;
- information is available to students during orientation and via the learning management system;
- learning support covers, but is not limited to, the following areas:
- English language;
- academic writing and research;
- time management and organisation;
- academic advice, including appropriate use of generative artificial intelligence where appropriate;
- literacy and numeracy
- using ICT and library resources;
- working with others and working as a team;
- requirements of the relevant course.
- learning support is made available via workshops in scheduled classes, small group workshops, and other activities on campus or online through video conferencing;
- mentoring program where students upon enrolment are allocated to either academic or administration staff for any learning support or other issues;
- lecturers remain in regular communication with students throughout the semester via email and video conferencing;
- students are encouraged to seek additional learning support if required;
- Unit Coordinators identify students who might benefit from additional learning support and recommend that they connect with learning support staff. Unit Coordinators ensure that ‘at risk’ students are made away of this additional support throughout their study.
Extensive: block learning and teaching of five (5) days face-to-face spread over the semester. This allows for students to complete readings, reflection, and assessment, as well as prepare for in-class activities between classes. The workload hours are the same as for an intensive.
Face-to-Face: all learning and teaching occurs on campus. Content, communication, and collaboration between academic staff and students, and students and students occurs on campus.
Intensive: block learning and teaching of five (5) consecutive days of face-to-face classes of seven (7) hours per day followed by 95 hours of reading, writing, and assignments.
Learning Support: any activity beyond the prescribed content of a course or unit that contributes positively to individual students’ engagement, retention, learning, and/or assessment outcomes.
Mixed Mode: learning design that strategically, systematically, and effectively integrates face-to-face, online, and other technology enhanced learning across physical and virtual environments, as informed and driven by student needs and support for desired learning activities and learning outcomes. It can include a combination of recorded lecturers and video conferencing. Mixed mode delivery might also involve some site-specific learning activities, such as work integrated learning.
Online: a learning environment in which all students can access course materials, recorded lectures, learning resources, and communication through a virtual learning environment and learning management system.
All students are required to complete orientation on campus or online prior to commencement of classes. Orientation information sessions include:
- registration, ID cards, and campus tour or virtual meeting sessions;
- living and studying in Australia;
- ESOS requirements for international students;
- library orientation;
- course planning and unit enrolment;
- navigation of policies and procedures;
- learning management system and ICT systems introduction, including the Student Portal;
- health, safety, and wellbeing;
- online safety;
- individual course advice and enrolment check;
- academic expectations including academic integrity;
- student support services and mentoring programs;
- time and stress management;
- exam preparation;
- essay and report writing.
Orientation sessions and pathway programs are supported through appropriate resources posted on the website and the learning management system (Moodle™). Student Support Officers are responsible for checking student completion of orientation and following up students who do not participate. The Orientation and follow up procedures are designed to ensure that all students are appropriately inducted into their programs and courses, both on-line and in house.
Identification of Individual Student Needs
Lecturers scrutinise student progression and participation throughout the semester. Attendance rolls are taken at each face-to-face class, including intensives and extensives. The Unit Coordinator ensures that all students have engaged with the relevant Moodle™ content prior to census date and throughout the semester. Assignment submissions are also monitored.
Students who fail to engage are contacted by the Program Director who may identify students has having learning support needs. Learning support needs may be identified by:
- discussion with academic staff during orientation;
- poor attendance and/or poor engagement on Moodle™;
- observation by the lecturers;
- failed assessment items;
- the student seeking assistance from a Student Support Officer, Program Director, or other staff member;
- self-referral by a student;
- Student Feedback Surveys.
- the implementation of an intervention strategy agreed between the student and Program Director.
Ongoing Student Learning Support
Student learning support is available throughout the semester or study period on campus and online. A Student Support Officer or academic staff member provides advice to students including, but not limited to the following services.
English Language and Academic Assistance
English language and academic advice workshops and resources include such topics as essay writing, report writing, APA referencing, avoiding plagiarism, using Turnitin, making oral presentations, and examination tips.
Workshops on campus and online are scheduled throughout the year to assist students to most effectively utilise the online library catalogue and resources. These workshops are designed to improve the information literacy skills of students. The LI Librarian and other staff are available during work hours (9am to 5pm Monday-Friday) to give individual assistance and advice to on campus, online, and mixed mode students.
Information Technology
Information technology staff and other support staff are available to help students with the technology available to them and with connectivity issues related to their course.
The mentor and student meet regularly during the academic year to ensure that each student has personalised care throughout their learning journey.
Academic Advice
Student Support Officers and academic staff provide advise students seeking additional support. LI maintains records of additional academic or English language support for students. Summary data is reported to Learning and Teaching Committee. Academic staff consultation includes the following:
- Consultation: individual student consultations with relevant academic staff occur on campus, by phone, through email, or by video conferencing. Diagnostic tutorials allow students the opportunity to ask questions, discuss unit content in detail, and obtain feedback on their assignments, both in draft form and on completed work.
- Web-based support: each unit includes web-based support through Moodle™. This provides students with access to unit resources and includes a ‘forum’ and group email for questions and responses. LI encourages students to use their email ID to contact lecturers or other staff for any queries.
- Other consultations: a lecturer or Unit Coordinator may facilitate additional student learning support e.g. video conferencing, study networks, mentoring sessions, research development, course management advice, student feedback, further study options, etc.