This policy outlines Leaders Institute’s (LI) processes for engagement, management, responsibilities, and governance of Third Party Arrangements.
All Third Party arrangements
When developing and approving Third Party arrangements, LI ensures that:
- the Third Party arrangement aligns with the LI Strategic Plan;
- LI’s local and international reputation is protected;
- LI standards and policies are maintained;
- LI is responsible for the academic standards of all its courses (including units delivered through twinning arrangements), and all the elements relating to the delivery of LI courses irrespective of where these are delivered or who provides them;
- due consideration is undertaken of financial and risk management;
- legislative and regulatory requirements are adhered to locally and internationally;
- Third Party students complete LI’s online student orientation;
- monitoring and analysing Third Party student experience and satisfaction is undertaken through each unit’s Student Feedback Surveys, as well as results from Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) surveys;
- student support measures, including complaint, grievance and appeal resolution arrangements.
- any partnership involving First Nations Peoples organisations, communities, or groups is approved by Governing Board;
- LI regularly monitors and reviews Third Party arrangements against the Threshold Standards;
- LI notifies relevant bodies immediately in the event of establishment or discontinuation of a Third Party arrangement. LI is responsible for ensuring that students under a Third Party arrangement have an appropriate opportunity to complete their studies, including transition arrangements.
Partnership: a formal relationship between LI and another organisation to achieve specified objectives and to carry on a business arrangement in common with a view to profit.
Third Party arrangement: an arrangement where LI’s accredited courses are delivered under an agreement with a third party, either in Australia or overseas. This comprises all modes of delivery including online delivery.
Academic cooperation partnerships: arrangement where LI participates in academic cooperation but does not undertake any form of educational delivery e.g. credit transfer, articulation, staff and student mobility including exchanges, hosting staff and students from other facilities.
Industry partnerships: formal arrangements with industry partners that LI uses to facilitate activities such as work placement, research training, and accreditation.
Government partnerships: formal arrangements with a government including their entities and including international governments.
Joint degree: Courses for which students are awarded an LI degree (based on study at LI and credit for study completed at a partner institute) and receive an award from the partner institute (based on study at LI and at the partner institute). Each institute awards a degree providing the course learning outcomes of each degree are met by the graduand. Notation of a joint degree is included on the LI testamur and is clearly specified in the agreement between LI and the partner institute.
Research partnerships: any formal engagement with another entity either in Australia or overseas where the main purpose is to facilitate research engagement.
Twinning arrangement: an agreement whereby a student completes part of a Third Party course before transferring to LI to complete the rest of an LI course. LI has academic input (which may include provision of curriculum) into the partner’s course and provides ongoing quality assurance. A student enroled in such a program is not an LI student until they transfer and enrol into an LI course.
Criteria for Third Party Selection
Criteria for selection and approval of a Third Party arrangement with LI include:
- demonstrated track record as a tertiary education institute;
- if offshore, meets relevant legislation and industry compliance and demonstrates a favourable regulatory environment in the host country;
- adequate funding, management, facilities, and infrastructure;
- qualified academic and administration staff;
- satisfactory student assurance and protection;
- longevity of operation and adequate business plans;
- effective student support services;
- efficient and effective student management system;
- viable market demand;
- adherence to all LI policies;
- an understanding that LI retains control over all LI courses. This includes:
- admission criteria;
- enrolment procedures;
- credit and recognition of prior learning;
- quality assurance processes, including LI’s grading descriptors, marking grids, internal monitoring, and external moderation of grades;
- course development and review.
- oversight of staff managing the Third Party Arrangement;
- accurate and appropriate record keeping;
- ensuring that all financial arrangements are properly managed;
- ensuring terminations of contracts are managed by legal advisor and with the best interests of LI and its students and will consider teaching responsibilities, legal, financial, and reputation implications and complies with legislative and regulation requirements;
- report annually to Governing Board on the delivery and cooperation of the partnership arrangements for the previous year. The annual report may cover partner visits, reports, strategic value to LI, and outcomes for the year, student enrolments and outcomes, financial performance, issues raised by the partners and any quality assurance matters.
Unlike an articulation or credit transfer agreement, a twinning arrangement involves close cooperation in curriculum development and quality assurance processes between LI and the partner institute. This joint development of curriculum and, in some cases, the involvement of LI academic staff in teaching of the partner institute’s course, facilitates a smooth flow of suitably qualified students into an advanced stage of an LI course with a documented level of credit exemption.
The specific units undertaken at the partner institute are normally offered by LI and meet the unit learning outcomes of LI units. Academic staff at the partner institute must be approved by LI as detailed in the Academic Register Policy. LI is responsible for quality assurance of the overall course, although the course is jointly administered by LI and the partner institute.
Steps for Third Party Selection and Approval
The following steps are followed for selection and approval of Third Party Arrangements:
1. Proposal
A proposal for a Third Party Arrangement is tabled to Development Committee and Executive Management Team. The proposal includes evidence that the partner institute is recognised internationally as a quality higher education institute that would enhance LI’s reputation. Proposals also include proposed notations to be included on the LI testamur.
2. Site Visit
A site visit is undertaken to ensure that the facilities, resources, and values of the institution align to LI’s quality assurance processes.
3. MOU
An MOU is developed between LI and the Third Party to be tabled to Governing Board for approval. MOUs include:
- courses and modes of delivery;
- academic calendar and timetables;
- staff selection, orientation, professional development, and performance review;
- corporate and academic governance structures and responsibilities;
- student support, English language, access to library resources, and ICT services;
- student health, safety, and wellbeing including counselling, specialised international student support, disability support, careers support, and other services;
- processes for complaints, grievances, and appeals;
- processes for academic misconduct, and non-academic misconduct;
- financial standing;
- branding and marketing;
- intellectual property;
- provisions for withdrawal, teach-out, and termination of the agreement.
4. Approval
The MOU is commended by Development Committee to Academic Board, then recommended to Governing Board for approval. If approved, the MOU may be signed.
5. Material Change Notification
The Third Party provides information to LI for the Material Change Notification which is submitted to TEQSA. No Third Party arrangement commences until LI submits the Material Change Notification.
Third Party Administration
LI employs a Third Party Liaison Officer to:
- act as primary point of contact between LI staff and Third Party staff;
- coordinate and organise Third Party management meetings;
- collect and collate all reports;
- liaise with LI and Third Party departments to ensure reporting and requirements are met, including:
- credit and recognition of prior learning;
- cooperation and engagement in LI’s academic governance and quality assurance;
- implementation of the LI student management system if required;
- appropriate sharing and management of student records;
- access to and training in LI’s learning management system if required;
- financial reporting for LI to ensure ongoing financial viability of the Third Party;
- consistent application of the fee schedule agreed upon by LI and the Third Party;
- notification to LI of academic calendars, timetables, and census dates;
- implementation of scholarship requirements for academic staff;
- library access for Third Party staff and students if required.
The quarterly Third Party management meeting monitors the administration of the Third Party. Generally, an LI staff member will also conduct an annual site visit to the Third Party.
Third Party Staff Guide
LI provides a Third Party Staff Guide that includes requirements and responsibilities for Third Party staff to ensure LI’s quality assurance processes are maintained. The guide includes various reporting templates for academic administration, research and scholarship, learning and teaching, student support services, and learning environment management.
The Third Party is expected to submit to LI an Annual Performance Report for monitoring and review. This informs LI’s Annual Academic Report to Academic Board, including student equity of experience, as well as course progression, retention, and attrition data.
Third Party Student Guide
LI provides a Third Party Student Guide for prospective and enrolled students in LI courses at the Third Party. It includes course information, student services, library resources, and facilities available from LI. It also includes key dates, learning management system instructions, study resources, student support, student rights and responsibilities, credit transfers, assessment, and academic progress.
Academic Staff Register
All Third Party academic staff must provide CVs noting experience, qualification, scholarship currency, and research status, for approval by LI’s Vice President Academic. Third Party academic staff complete LI’s online induction and are encouraged to participate in LI’s mentoring and online professional development workshops. All Third Party academic staff must demonstrate currency in scholarship within the Third Party’s Annual Performance Report.
Modifications to Third Part Arrangements
If changes are required to an existing Third Party Arrangement, such as adding a course or delivery site:
- proposal tabled to Executive Management Team which may include an MOU addendum if required. If commended by Executive Management Team, the proposal is tabled to Academic Board.
- proposal tabled to Academic Board through Development Committee. If approved, Development Committee proceeds with implementation of the proposal.
- Material Change Notification submitted to TEQSA if required.