List of Policies

Higher Degree Research Student Policy


This policy details Leaders Institute’s (LI) research training principles and processes that ensure Higher Degree Research (HDR) students can meet expected milestones throughout their course.


All HDR courses


LI ensures that HDR:

  • offers are made only where there is an appropriate fit between the applicant, research environment, available resources, and supervision;
  • supervisors and students understand LI’s relevant policies and procedures related to professional research practice, ethics, and conduct;
  • students understand their responsibilities for independent research performance;
  • supervisors and students maintain regular progress reviews to address any issues that may arise.


Candidature: the duration of enrolment in a HDR course.

Confirmation of Candidature: milestone within the first 12 months of full time equivalent (FTE) candidature to determine whether the research project indicates a strong likelihood of completion within the duration of candidature after the commencement of the research component. This may be extended only with special permission from the HDR Program Director.

Higher Degree Research: studies for Professional Doctorate (AQF 10) or Master of Research (AQF level 9).

Research Training: a HDR course that leads to the acquisition of advanced skills, techniques, and knowledge in the research field and appropriate methodologies.

Supervisor: person appointed to assume accountability for guiding the HDR student to completion of the course.


Admission into LI’s HDR courses is based on:

  • meeting the admission criteria;
  • availability of appropriate supervision team and resources required to support successful completion of the course;
  • alignment to LI’s areas of research expertise.

Internal Transfer

A masters of research student seeking to transfer to LI’s doctorate course needs to:

  • receive a distinction average for core coursework units;
  • be recommended to transfer by their principal supervisor;
  • submit a revised doctorate level proposal to the HDR Program Director;
  • be approved to transfer by the HDR Program Director.

Exceptional Cases

The Confirmation of Candidature Panel may also recommend that a masters by research student be upgraded to a doctoral award. The availability of international transfer is subject to the availability of places in the course. Applicants must also meet any professional experience required in the doctorate course.

External Transfer

The HDR Program Director is authorised to permit an applicant who has completed a period of HDR candidature in another higher education institution to count the whole or any part of the period of this enrolment, as a period completed in a HDR course at the same level as at LI, provided that the:

  • the period of research was carried out under supervision in accordance with required ethics legislation;
  • research is directly related to the student’s proposed course at LI;
  • HDR student has formally withdrawn from enrolment at the other institution for which the previous tenure is applicable.

The HDR Program Director considers applications for transfer of candidature from another higher education institute on a case-by-case basis considering the eligibility criteria and all relevant factors for admission.


The duration of LI’s doctorate degree is a maximum of four years for a full-time enrolment (or eight years for part-time) unless with approved extension by the relevant Program Director. Students will develop the capacity to conduct research independently at a high level of originality and quality and will make an original contribution to knowledge in their chosen field.

The duration of LI’s masters by research is normally a maximum of two years for a full-time enrolment (or four years for part-time) unless with approved extension by the Program Director. Students will develop a thorough understanding of relevant research techniques and methodologies, and the capacity to demonstrate original and critical thought.


HDR student progress is measured through successful completion of various milestones, including:

1. Coursework Units

Core coursework units are graded according to LI’s Student Assessment and Workload Policy.

2. Supervision Meetings

HDR students are expected to attend regular supervision meetings where their supervisors can provide ongoing structured advice, mentoring, and feedback.

It is the responsibility of HDR students to:

  • attend supervision meetings, contributing in a constructive and positive way;
  • review and sign the Supervision Report as a record of supervision meetings;
  • advise their supervisors of any potential delays in course progress.

It is the responsibility of the principal supervisor to:

  • read any submitted material by the student ahead of scheduled supervision meetings;
  • discuss d any issues raised by the student in a constructive and positive way;
  • record the outcomes of the supervision meeting on the Supervision Report;
  • review and sign the Supervision Report as a record of the supervision meeting;
  • discuss any potential risk to the student’s progress with the HDR Program Director.

3. Early Candidature Milestone

HDR students must complete and submit the Early Candidature Milestone Form which will then be discussed at a scheduled Early Candidature Milestone review. In this review meeting, HDR students present initial progress to the supervisors and HDR Program Director. This milestone provides an opportunity to:

  • review the initial research questions, literature review, and proposed research methodology for the project;
  • preliminarily assess if the proposed research project is viable and appropriate for the course;
  • identify if additional resources or training are required by the student to undertake the project.

Early Candidature Milestone outcomes are decided by the HDR Program Director, in consultation with the student’s supervisors. Outcomes are either satisfactory (milestone is completed) or unsatisfactory (milestone not completed). A Progress Support Plan is assigned to support the student with the Early Candidature Milestone review to be reassessed at the end of the Progress Support Plan period.

4. Progress Reports

HDR students are required to submit a Progress Report to the HDR Program Director at the end of each semester. This report should be signed by the student and supervisors. These reports are required for the full duration of candidature. It is the responsibility of the HDR Program Director to review Progress Reports and address any issues raised by the student or supervisors in a constructive and positive way. The HDR Program Director will discuss any potential risk to the student’s progress with the HDR Program Director.

5. Confirmation of Candidature

Confirmation of Candidature involves an oral presentation of the HDR student’s research progress to LI’s Confirmation of Candidature Panel. Successful confirmation of candidature ensures that the student:

  • can clearly explain the research proposal;
  • demonstrates appropriate progress, training and professional skills;
  • receives formative advice about the methodology and feasibility of the research;
  • has adequate resources available to complete the research within the recommended timeframe;
  • has the appropriate advisory team composition; and
  • understands the requirements for progress and completion.

The principal supervisor must ensure that all compliance requirements (e.g. induction, relevant training, etc.) have been undertaken prior to the confirmation milestone. Application to LI’s partner external Human Research Ethics Committee should take place after confirmation of the proposal. Until ethical clearance is obtained, there should be no form of contact with research participants, including recruitment and any data collection from human research subjects. Refer to the Research and Scholarship Policy.

Students may request an extension to a milestone due date for reasons directly related to the research (such as a major change in direction of the project) or other reasons beyond their control. Maximum extensions include:

  • three months full-time (six months part-time) for masters by research students; or
  • six months full-time (one year part-time) for doctoral students.

Milestone extensions must be approved by the HDR Program Director.

6. Final Thesis Review

Prior to submission of the thesis for examination, the HDR student presents their findings at the LI Research Forum as an opportunity to receive feedback from LI academic staff, HDR students, and other students.

7. Intention to Submit

Students are required to notify the HDR Program Director of their intention to submit their final thesis or portfolio a minimum of two months in advance. This allows adequate time for examiners to be identified and contacted. Students must afford their supervisors the opportunity to review the full draft before submission. Once approved to submit by the principal supervisor, the student may complete and submit the Intention to Submit Form to:



The Confirmation of Candidature Panel includes:

  • HDR Program Director (Chair);
  • at least two other research active LI academic staff from a relevant field of research;
  • an external expert in the field nominated by the principal supervisor.

The student’s supervisors may attend the Confirmation of Candidature presentation. However, only the Confirmation of Candidature Panel decides the result.

Confirmation of Candidature includes the following:

  • Chair of the Confirmation of Candidature Panel appoints Panel members. The HDR student must submit LI’s Confirmation of Candidature Proposal Form signed by the principal supervisor to the Chair of the Confirmation of Candidature Panel at least six (6) weeks before the Confirmation of Candidature to verify that it is prepared in accord with the HDR Confirmation Proposal Guide.
  • Once verified, the Chair distributes the proposal to Panel members at least 10 working days before the Panel convenes.
  • An oral presentation is delivered by the HDR student to a Confirmation of Candidature Panel which is an opportunity for the student to demonstrate a contribution to advancing knowledge in the field, justify methodological processes, and provide a summary of progress to date. This is followed by a discussion with the HDR student about their proposal.
  • The Confirmation of Candidature Panel recommends that this proposal:
    • is accepted, with only minor edits required;
    • requires major edits, with an extension of the due date (of three months FTE) for achieving candidature if the Panel deems the proposal to be developed appropriately but not yet ready for confirmation of candidature;
    • is not accepted and a new Confirmation of Candidature process is required. After two attempts the student will be liable for termination of candidature. The Panel may also suggest that the student transfer to another course.

The Chair of the Confirmation of Candidature Panel notifies the supervisors of the outcome, including written feedback for the supervisors and student.

If recommendation B is given, once the proposal is revised, the student may submit the proposal to the Chair of the Confirmation of Candidature Panel who will review the proposal or arrange a reviewer to determine if the proposal is to be accepted. This reviewer is typically the Chair or a member of the original panel. This process can be repeated if the proposal needs further work.

After candidature is confirmed, the Chair will notify the supervisors and student of the results.


A student who has not completed the research project for examination in the expected duration must submit an Extension of Candidature Form signed by their principal supervisor. It must include reasons for the request, along with documented evidence. This form is reviewed for approval by the HDR Program Director who includes a stipulated extension period. Unsuccessful requests must apply for re-admission into the course. For students who re-apply, the period of candidature is determined by the HDR Program Director. LI enrolment fees apply for re-admission.


Any leave of absence request must adhere to the Change of Course or Unit Enrolment Policy. HDR students who have utilised the full extent of their FTE candidature period are not normally eligible to apply for a leave of absence.


For appeals, students should follow the Complaints, Grievances, and Appeals Policy.


If an HDR student’s Progress Report is deemed as unsatisfactory, the Progression and Exclusion Policy will be implemented.

Fact Box


Chair, Research and Scholarship Committee



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