List of Policies

Discontinuation and Teach-Out Policy


This policy addresses the discontinuation of an academic course offered by Leaders Institute (LI). Discontinuation may occur because of changes in student demand, an alteration to strategic positioning in a particular market or a major course revision.


All courses


LI is committed to ensuring that:

  • enrolled students are not unreasonably disadvantaged by the discontinuation of Institute courses and have the opportunity to complete their course within a reasonable time frame and meet the learning outcomes of the course;
  • the quality of the course and supporting resources are maintained to the end of the teach-out period;
  • external stakeholders involved in the delivery of the course, including the provision of WIL opportunities, are availed of the discontinuation in a timely manner;
  • Academic Board approves the discontinuation of any academic course and prior to students being formally notified;
  • Development Committee provides to Academic Board a comprehensive teach-out plan that details the teach-out timetable, implications for student progress along with how students will be notified and subsequently counselled about their study;
  • students of any discontinuation are informed, in writing, and that each student is provided with an individualised course map for the teach-out period.

To terminate a course, the following steps are undertaken:

1. Proposal

Rationale for discontinuation, including communication with stakeholders, financial implications, previous course reviews, and teach-out plan.

2. Proposal tabled to Academic Board

If endorsed by Development Committee, a commendation is tabled at Academic Board.

3. Approval by Governing Board

If commended by Academic Board, the proposal is recommended to Governing Board for approval.

4. Communication of termination

Course termination is notified in time to allow:

  • currently enrolled students to complete the course, or to transfer to other courses in or outside LI;
  • potential applicants to make alternative arrangements;
  • timely replacement of academic staff who wish to discontinue with LI as a result of a course discontinuation;
  • timely communication to students, staff, alumni, and other stakeholders in a systematic manner, considering LI’s legislative and regulatory responsibilities.

5. Teach-out plan. After discontinuation of a course is approved by Governing Board, the following is implemented:

  • notification of material change and teach out application (if required) is lodged with TEQSA;
  • students are entitled to complete the LI course in which they are enrolled, including all compulsory elements and any requirements for professional accreditation. No substantive changes will be made to course in the teach-out phase, nor any transfer arrangements agreed with other institutions, without approval by Academic Board and consultation with affected students;
  • current students are advised that the qualification cannot be issued after expiry of the teach-out period, so they must complete the award within the transition period. Students intending to complete the discontinuing course are contacted by the Program Director and a completion plan is developed;
  • Program Director will communicate regularly with students regarding the teach-out;
  • students will be given reasonable notice of changes to course offerings, including fees and associated costs;
  • all affected students and staff will be provided with the full teach-out plan to assist with course planning;
  • LI will assist students enrolled in the course who would like to transfer to another course;
  • LI will provide to students a schedule of all units required to complete the course. Students are expected to take the units required to complete the course when offered.
  • students who are on approved leave from a course that is to be discontinued may return to complete the course, provided they re-enrol no later than the end of the period of approved leave. Any leave approved after the discontinuation process has commenced should be negotiated with the student on the basis that a return to the course in which the student was enrolled may not be possible;
  • students may retake a failed unit only if it continues to be offered at LI and the student can still complete the retaken unit prior to the teach-out end date. In exceptional circumstances, unscheduled units will be allowed to ensure a student can meet the course requirements;
  • students who fail to make satisfactory academic progress and are dismissed from the course under the provisions of the Progression and Exclusion Policy will lose their right to benefit under the teach-out arrangement.

Managing and Monitoring Discontinuation

Academic Board is responsible for monitoring the discontinuation of a course.

Program Director is responsible for the development and implementation of discontinuation plans and the management and co-ordination of all transitional arrangements;

Students and staff are consulted on a regular basis during the teach-out to ensure that all parties are satisfied with continuing teach-out arrangements and responsibilities;

Program Director will report to Academic Board regarding teach-out arrangements.


Students seeking to resolve a dispute or question arising under this policy must do so in accordance with the Complaints, Grievances, and Appeals Policy.

Fact Box


Chair, Course Advisory Committee



  • Select Category
  • Approval Body

    Governing Board

    Endorsement Body

    Governing Board

    Approval Date

    14 July 2023

    Review Date

    14 July 2028



    Related Policies

    Complaints, Grievances, and Appeals Policy
    Progression and Exclusion Policy