List of Policies

Academic Promotions Policy


This policy outlines the principles and processes for academic classification and promotions at Leaders Institute (LI).


All permanent academic staff


Academic classifications and promotions at LI recognise and reward sustain excellence measured by peer external review.

LI expects all permanent and casual academic staff, as appropriate to their role and academic level, to:

  • meet the performance indicators for their position descriptions;
  • disseminate knowledge in their field of education;
  • undertake regular professional development;
  • participate in committees, administration, and leadership;
  • adhere to LI’s Code of Conduct Policy
  • engage with the wider community.

Regarding academic promotion, LI ensures that:

  • consideration is given to performance relative to opportunity or other relevant factors;
  • no discrimination against any individual on the basis of personal characteristics such as gender, ethnicity, age, and disability;
  • all permanent academic staff are eligible to apply for promotion when they can demonstrate meeting all the criteria for the level sought;
  • promotion applications and associated documents are kept confidential at all times;
  • any conflict of interest must be presented to the Chair of Academic Promotions Committee who will consider whether the circumstances are likely to influence the outcome;
  • award rates are met appropriate to the new level of promotion.


While applicants should demonstrate evidence of all three categories for promotion, one of the following categories should be the focus of the Academic Promotion Application.

  1. Research
  2. Leadership and Administration
  3. Learning and Teaching


1. Level A: Associate Lecturer: Academic staff at this level demonstrate:

  • completion of a relevant postgraduate degree or equivalent;
  • an increasing degree of autonomy, under the supervision of an academic staff member at Level B or above;
  • scholarly activities in their field of education.

2. Level B: Lecturer: Academic staff at this level demonstrate:

  • completion of a doctorate or equivalent;
  • academic administration and teaching related to their role at LI;
  • evaluation of learning and teaching, both at the course level and in relation to their own practice;
  • scholarly development and engagement in their field of education or in higher education scholarship;
  • academic leadership or Unit Coordinator;
  • mentoring of staff at Level A or above;
  • evidence of community engagement and social responsibility.

3. Level C: Senior Lecturer: Academic staff at this level demonstrate:

  • completion of a doctorate or equivalent;
  • dissemination of knowledge in their field of education or higher education best practice to LI academic staff;
  • significant contribution toward leadership and administration, learning and teaching, or high quality research at LI;
  • mentoring of academic staff at Level B or below;
  • engagement and social responsibility relevant to their field of education or higher education.

4. Level D: Associate Professor: Academic staff at this level demonstrate:

  • completion of a doctorate or equivalent;
  • mentoring of academic staff at Level C or below;
  • a significant degree of leadership in community engagement and social responsibility.


If Learning and Teaching:

  • sustained and effective leadership of teaching teams in curriculum design and teaching innovations;
  • national contribution to learning and teaching, such as national efforts to enhance curriculum and high quality learning experiences in higher education;
  • national contribution to leadership in course management, curriculum development, and academic staff development.

If Leadership and Administration:

  • significant contributions to senior governance in higher education and external advisory boards or committees;
  • sustained and effective leadership of other senior academic leaders in administrative roles;
  • national or international contribution to academic or professional leadership in their field of education.

If Research:

  • significant contributions to high quality research and impact that are nationally and internationally recognised, including scholarly dissemination of research in their field of education;
  • track record of competitive research grants;
  • track record of supervising Higher Degree Research students successfully to completion as principal supervisor;
  • sustained and effective leadership of research culture that enhances the reputation of the Institute;
  • national contribution to research leadership in higher education.

5. Level E: Professor: Academic staff at this level demonstrate:

  • completion of a doctorate or equivalent;
  • mentoring of academic staff to leadership positions;
  • national or international recognition for outstanding engagement and social responsibility leadership roles relevant to their field of education or higher education.


If Learning and Teaching:

  • contributions to learning and teaching that are nationally and internationally recognised as outstanding, including scholarly dissemination in their field of education or higher education learning and teaching;
  • outstanding and original contributions to teaching, such as contributions to national efforts to enhance curriculum and providing high quality learning experiences in their discipline;
  • sustained and effective leadership of other senior academic leaders in learning and teaching roles;
  • senior leadership in development which enhances the Institute’s operations and its international reputation in learning and teaching.

If Leadership and Administration:

  • outstanding contributions to senior academic governance over a substantial period of time and significant leadership roles within the Institute or their field of education, such as senior governance positions at LI or externally, leadership of industry groups, or membership in external boards or committees;
  • sustained and effective leadership of other senior academic leaders in administrative roles;
  • outstanding contributions that enhance major aspects of the Institute’s operations and its international reputation in academic leadership and administration;
  • outstanding contribution to governance and collegial life within and outside the Institute, such as chairing institutional committees or undertaking significant administrative positions.

If Research:

  • contributions to high quality research and impact that are nationally and internationally recognised as outstanding, including dissemination of research in their field of education or in higher education research;
  • sustained and outstanding leadership of research culture that enhances the reputation of the Institute;
  • a strong and sustained track record of competitive research grants;
  • a strong and sustained track record of supervising Higher Degree Research students successfully to completion as principal supervisor;
  • where appropriate, establishment of strong external partnerships with outputs such as commercialistion, improved practice, and policy.


Appointment of Chair

The President appoints a Chair of APC from senior academic staff of the Institute.


Membership of APC includes:

  • Chair (ex officio);
  • Vice President Academic (ex officio);
  • three external members appointed by the Chair.

Applicants for promotion should not be members of APC. All members are expected to be present (in person or via video conferencing) for meetings.


The Chair of APC appoints a secretary.



The Chair of APC invites applications for promotion annually at least two months in advance of the closing date for applications. Applicants should discuss promotion with their supervisor well before the closing date. The applicant must submit the application and other documents to the Chair of APC by the due date.

Applications must include:

  • Leaders Institute Academic Promotion Application Form and supporting evidence (not exceeding 20 pages in total);
  • signed endorsement by the applicant’s supervisor;
  • two referees, one of whom is external to LI. For Level E Professor applications, both referees must be of international standing and external to LI.


  • APC members will assess the applications for academic promotion;
  • members will not act as advocates for applicants;
  • having discussed the application submitted, members (including the Chair) will vote on each application and recommend successful candidates for promotion;
  • applicants may be interviewed by APC to provide further clarification on the application, but new information may not be presented. Within two days of the interview, all APC members must vote either for or against a promotion for an applicant and provide reasons for and against the recommendation;
  • for promotion, an applicant must receive at least three out of five votes in favour of promotion;
  • applicants must not be in contact with a member of APC regarding their application, except to receive official notice in writing from the Chair within 14 working days of the APC’s decision. The voting names or numbers are not disclosed;
  • the Chair provides feedback to unsuccessful applicants on the strengths and weaknesses of their applicant, with a view to assisting the applicant’s future development;
  • the Chair of APC provides a report for the Vice President Academic to table to Academic Board.


Unsuccessful applicants for promotion will be required to wait two years before submitting a further application.


An appeal must follow the Staff Grievance Policy.

Fact Box


Vice President Academic



  • Select Category
  • Approval Body

    Academic Board

    Endorsement Body

    Academic Board

    Approval Date

    8 July 2022

    Review Date

    8 July 2027



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    Staff Employment Policy
    Staff Management Policy