List of Policies

Staff Management Policy


This policy details the management of staff at Leaders Institute (LI), ensuring conditions are in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009.


All staff


LI is committed to:

  • ensuring fair, balanced, equitable, and sustainable employment conditions;
  • adhering to legislative and professional requirements;
  • protecting the health, wellbeing, and safety of staff in relation to performance of their duties;
  • providing appropriate professional development opportunities to build the skills, knowledge, and capabilities of staff;
  • ensuring fair and equitable workloads that are monitored by the relevant supervisor;
  • reviewing staff performance to ensure achievement of key performance indicators, in accordance with the mission and values of LI.

Payment of Salaries and Wages

Salaries and wages are usually processed fortnightly by direct deposit into the staff member’s nominated bank account. For casual employees, wages will be paid in arrears. Payslips are issued in electronic form on or before the day each pay is due. Any pay queries should be raised with the relevant supervisor. Pay is considered confidential and should not be discussed with other staff members.

Superannuation shall be paid to an approved fund for all eligible employees in accordance with current Superannuation Guarantee Legislation. Staff members may exercise choice regarding their superannuation provider.

Workload Allocations

Workload allocations are agreed upon by the staff member and their supervisor. Academic staff workloads must adhere to the LI Academic Staff Workload Calculator. When creating and implementing new initiatives, consideration is given to the impact on workload.

No staff member is required to work on weekends or public holidays without their agreement. Where work is agreed to on weekends or public holidays, the staff member shall take time off in lieu at a time agreed upon by the staff member and their supervisor.

Staff members are encouraged to raise workload issues with their supervisor if they are concerned. Grievances should adhere to the Staff Grievance Policy.

Professional Development

Professional development is as a way of ensuring that LI staff can perform well in their current roles and are ready to undertake new roles, when required. It is also a way of meeting organisational objectives and dealing with organisational change while increasing staff capabilities, such as skills, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours.

Training and development needs are normally identified through the annual performance appraisal. The relevant supervisor is responsible for discussing the development needs of individual staff members and providing feedback on performance and potential career development. Staff members are responsible for achieving development goals agreed upon with their supervisor that meet the staff member’s needs and LI’s strategic goals.

LI supports the professional development of staff through providing:

  • access to internal and external professional development opportunities;
  • tuition fee discount for LI courses, if applicable;
  • research workload allocations for research active academic staff.

Working from Home

LI recognises that promoting flexible working arrangements can be beneficial for both the organisation and the staff member. When assessing requests, the relevant supervisor ensures that:

  • home based work areas comply with Workplace Health and Safety requirements;
  • the staff member still meets the requirements of the work being done;
  • the staff member observes LI’s privacy policies.

Working from home is conditional upon the employee’s agreement to be contactable during normal office hours and to return to work if requested to do so.

Staff Leave

Subject to terms and conditions as described in The Fair Work Act 2009, all permanent full time staff members are entitled to four weeks paid annual leave each year, plus a loading of 17.5% on the four weeks of holiday pay (pro rata for part time staff). Leave is arranged with, and approved by, the staff member’s supervisor.

All permanent full time staff members are entitled to two weeks personal leave per year (pro rata for part time staff). A doctor’s certificate is required for absences of more than one day. Permanent staff are entitled to three days compassionate leave per year.

To be eligible for parental leave, a permanent staff member must have completed at least 12 months of service before the date or expected date of birth. The staff member must provide written notice 10 weeks before the due date and take the leave in a single continuous period. A staff member may take up to 52 consecutive weeks’ unpaid parental leave and is entitled to return to an existing position.

Long service leave is paid in accordance with the Long Service Leave Act 1955 and the Long Service Leave Agency in the relevant state of Australia.


Professional Development

At the start of the calendar year, staff members and supervisors meet to establish and agree on work and development objectives for the year. If individual objective setting is to take place in an alternative window of time, approval from the relevant supervisor is required.

At the end of the year, achievement goals that were set out are measured and accordingly a professional development plan is prepared. The President or delegated officer has responsibility for maintaining records of staff development activities.

Working from Home

The staff member must complete the Working from Home Checklist to ensure LI is fulfilling its Workplace Health and Safety obligations. The relevant supervisor must agree to the request, in writing, and a trial period be agreed upon. Declined applications include, in writing, the reasons for rejecting the working from home application.

Fact Box




Human Resources

  • Select Category
  • Approval Body

    Executive Manangment Team

    Endorsement Body

    Executive Manangment Team

    Approval Date

    21 March 2023

    Review Date

    21 March 2028



    Related Policies

    Code of Conduct Policy
    Complaints, Grievances, and Appeals Policy
    Scholarships, Subsidies, and Awards Policy
    Staff Employment Policy
    Staff Grievance Policy