Online Safety

It is important to stay safe online! Breaches of online security include, but are not limited to cyber abuse, cyberstalking, trolling, fake accounts and impersonation, online hate, oxing and swatting, image-based abuse, and sexual extortion.

Online safety training is a compulsory component of staff induction and student orientation programs at Leaders Institute. Sessions include:

  • managing security settings;
  • using software to protect private information;
  • physical actions with regards to the devises used;
  • how to report concerns to the relevant social media service or platform.

For anyone targeted by online abuse there are several ways to address the issue. Try not to respond or retaliate. People who post hurtful comments and messages online often do so just to get a reaction. Collect evidence that documents what is happening and report the abuse before you block or delete it.

The Australian government’s eSafety has legal powers to help protect people who live in Australia from the most serious online abuse and harmful content. Make sure to collect evidence such as screenshots, web page addresses, and account profiles or usernames. Image-based abuse should be reported to eSafety Report immediately. Then block anyone abusing you. If they reappear online under a different name, block them again.

Tips to stay safe online:

  • when creating passwords, it is safest to use unique passwords;
  • never share passwords with anyone;
  • make sure you think before you click! Most cyberattacks start with an email. If students are not sure if an email is safe, then do not click on it. Clicking a dodgy or unsafe link are common ways of being hacked;
  • back up your data! This can be done by USB, external hard drives, the Cloud, and other online storage options. If you are targeted by an attack your files are at risk. Having files backed up means you will not lose important files;
  • keep your laptops, smart tablets, and smart phones updated. Many cyberattacks target old devices that do not have updated protection software;
  • be careful about Wi-Fi. LI has free safe Wi-Fi available for students. Often hackers gain access to devices through unsafe Wi-fi;
  • keep your personal information private;
  • minimise risk of inappropriate contact using student email addresses, report unauthorised communication, and block unknown email addresses;
  • be careful what you share on social media. Hackers use social media too!