This policy outlines the terms of reference for Leaders Institute (LI) Executive Management Team (EMT) and its subcommittees.
Whole Institute
EMT is responsible to the President and manages the day-to-day functions of the Institute and other duties as delegated by the President. EMT may delegate any of its powers or functions to subcommittees or teams.
Guest Attendance
Guest staff or external experts may be invited to attend meetings to provide advice upon request. Guests to meetings have no voting rights at meetings.
Frequency of Meetings
EMT meet monthly to receive and review reports on the Institute’s performance across academic quality and course delivery, student matters, financial performance, staff matters and any other business arising.
Minutes of Meetings
Minutes are stored in a secure electronic repository. All members receive a digital copy of minutes.
Appointment of Chair
The Chair is appointed by the President.
The secretary is appointed by the President.
The membership of EMT includes:
- President;
- Vice President Academic;
- other members of LI administration and academic staff appointed by the President.
Terms of Office
For the President and Vice President Academic, the term is for the duration of their employment in those positions, or until EMT has considered and approved revised membership. For other members, the term is at the discretion of the President.
Terms of Reference
The functions of EMT are to:
- oversee management of the Institute;
- ensure implementation of the Leaders Strategic Plan and budget;
- maintain efficient operations of academic and administrative functions;
- ensure the wellbeing and safety of staff and students, including prevention, support and reporting regarding sexual assault and sexual harassment;
- keep the Institute aligned to its stated mission;
- set the standards of conduct for staff and students.
EMT will not approve or act in any matter that is otherwise within the authority of Governing Board or a committee of Governing Board, or act or decide in a manner contrary to decisions previously made by Governing Board.
Reporting to Governing Board
The President presents a quarterly report to Governing Board, including major decisions and outcomes from EMT meetings held during the preceding quarter.