Prof Bernard Wong


  • Bio
  • Research Interest
  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Professor Bernard Wong is an IT and business transformation specialist, with over 30 years of experience gained from multinational companies. In the past decade, he has lived and worked in senior leadership roles in Australia, China, and Malaysia in C suite and global leadership positions. He has led global teams in Australia, China, Japan, Singapore, UK, Canada, USA, Latin America and Europe. Professor Wong has spent over 20 years contributing to academia and research as an Adjunct Professor, initially with UTS. He is now a member of the Adjunct Faculty of both the University of Sydney and Macquarie University where he lectures and researches in Project Management, Information Systems, IT Auditing and Cybersecurity.

    With a strong dual career in business and academia, Professor Wong is CEO of Denbigh International, an Asia Pacific software consulting company specialising in education. He is also on the Global Advisory Board of the PMI, a not for profit association for Project Managers. He invests in and mentors many startups, and is a frequent keynote speaker at the Lean Startup Machine workshops across Asia Pacific. He has led a number of successful technology startups. Professor Wong sits on a range of boards as a non-executive director in Australia and overseas and is a Fellow of both the Australian Institute of Company Directors and the Governance Institute of Australia.


    • Doctor of Philosophy, University of New South Wales
    • Master of Commerce, University of New South Wales
    • Master of Business Law, University of Sydney
    • Master of Laws, University of Edinburgth
    • Graduate Diploma of Applied Corporate Governance
    • Bachelor of Science, University of Sydney
    • PMP (Project Management Professional)
    • Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors
    • Fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia
    • Certified CEO


    CEO, Chairman, NED, Advisor, Entrepreneur

    IT and Business Transformation; Corporate Development; Business Planning and Strategy

    Project Management; Change Management

    Entrepreneurship; Start-ups, Innovation


    Asia, Academia

    Banking, telecommunications, health, energy, retail sectors


    Director, Information Professionals

    Director, Global Recordings Network

    Director, Code

    CEO, Denbigh International

    Startup mentor / consultant with UNSW Founders 10x Accelerator, Lean Startup Machine, Innovation Bay and others

  • International Management



    Wong, B. & Babar, A. (2018). “Why Project Managers are not Collecting Strategic Requirements,” Proceedings of 139th IASTEM International Conference, Boston, USA, 16-17 September, 54-59.

    Veljanovski, R., Egelstaff, R. Wong, B. & Ewin, N. (2016). “Case-based driven post-graduate project management education,” ProMAC 2016: International Conference on Project Management, 10th (pp. 787-794). Tokyo, Japan: The Society of Project Management.