Dr Adewuyi Ayodele Adeyinka

Senior Lecturer

  • Bio
  • Research Interest
  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Dr Adewuyi Ayodele Adeyinka (PhD, MBA, M.Ed. PGDS, B.SC. Ed) is senior lecturer at Leaders Institute’s Brisbane campus. He has worked as an analyst in the banking industry and as a Digital Research Analyst at the University of Southern Queensland and Southern Cross University, in addition to lecturing and conducting research in finance.

    Dr Adeyinka specialises in the application of index-based risk transfer product in agriculture and has worked as a consultant to the World Meteorological Organization in this field. He has more than 20 years of experience in teaching, research, and consulting across Africa and Australia.


    Doctor of Philosophy, University of Southern Queensland, 2015

    Master of Business Administration, University of Southern Queensland, 2011

    Master of Education, University of Botswana, Gaborone, 2005

    Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics, University of Botswana, Gaborone, 2009

    Bachelor of Science Education, University of Ilorin, Nigeria, 2002


    Return and Risk Factors Between Low and High Carbon Portfolios: The True Cost of Environmental Impacts, a research proposal written by Gupta, K., Krishnamurti, C. & Adeyinka, A.A. for Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). Successful in the first round.

    2015 and 2018, University of Southern Queensland, Dean’s Commendations for Teaching Excellence (FIN1101 Corporate Finance and ECO5000 Economics for Managers.


    Member, Actuaries Institute, 2020-current

    Member, Green House Gas Management Institute, 2020-current

    • Business
    • Economics
    • Management
    • Pedagogy in higher education
    • Risk management

    • Nguyen-Huy, T., Deo, R.C., Khan, S., Devi, A., Adeyinka, A.A., Apan, A.A. and Yaseen, Z.M., 2022. Student Performance Predictions for Advanced Engineering Mathematics Course with New Multivariate Copula Models. IEEE Access.
    • Adeyinka, A.A., Kath, J., Nguyen-Huy, T., Mushtaq, S., Souvignet, M., Range, M. & Barratt, J. (2022). Global disparities in agricultural climate index-based insurance research, Climate Risk Management, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crm.2022.100394.
    • Alam, K. & Adeyinka, A.A (2020). Does Innovation Stimulate Performance? The Case of Small and Medium Enterprises in Regional Australia accepted by Australian Economic Papers.
    • Kath, J., Mushtaq, S., Henry, R., Adeyinka, A.A., Stone, R., Marcussen, T. and Kouadio, L., 2019. Spatial variability in regional scale drought index insurance viability across Australia’s wheat growing regions. Climate Risk Management, 24, pp.13-29.
    • Kath, J., Mushtaq, S., Henry, R., Adeyinka, A. & Stone, R. (2018). Index insurance benefits agricultural producers exposed to excessive rainfall risk. Weather and Climate Extremes, Vol. 22, pp. 1-9, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wace.2018.10.003